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  • About Us

Creating pathways to unlimited possibilities—that's Black Hawk College!

Whether creating financial security, obtaining a personal goal or discovering new career opportunities, Black Hawk College students envision a better future for themselves. Because of the generosity of individuals and organizations in our community, Black Hawk College Foundation, our faculty and staff assist students in achieving an outstanding education and relevant training. Learn more


Report to the Community

Community Report

We are proud of the work we accomplished this year and the BHC Foundation's impact on our Quad Cities community. Thank you to all of our supporters for helping us fulfill our mission.

Explore our accomplishments over the past year,
download our 2023 Report to the Community (PDF).


Happening at BHC Foundation

Stay informed! Check out the latest Foundation News or sign up for our enews delivered to your inbox.


Dr. William “Bill” Hampes

Expanding Student Scholarships
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James Corbin Endowment

$250,000 nursing scholarship endowment
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Black Hawk College Foundation

View photos from our 2024 Black and Gold Celebration and our Scholarship Banquet.

Mini-Grants Awarded

Helping students succeed
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QCBT Creates Scholarships

Breaking socio-economic barriers
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Reynolds Family Donation

Helping GED® students
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Support Black Hawk College


Black Hawk College Foundation

Black Hawk College Foundation

Black Hawk College Foundation

Black Hawk College Foundation provides an opportunity for alumni, staff and friends to make an investment in students as they prepare to be tomorrow's leaders and impact our community. Learn more


Community Report

The Black Hawk College Foundation creates a culture of giving that supports student learning and enhances the position of BHC by optimizing the Foundation’s contributions through a sense of community, empowerment and growth.

Donating online is simple, safe and secure.

Our giving portal is safe and secure. Or if you prefer, download our donation form below and return with your generous gift.

Donate online, download our donation form, or automated payment form, or call us at 309-796-5052 for assistance.

We are pleased to offer Scheduled-Giving options for your convenience and budget. Your donation can automatically be linked to the fund you choose. For more information or to request a postage-paid printed form mailed to your home, use our contact us online, call 309-796-5052 or send us an email at foundation@bhc.edu.

    Black Hawk College Foundation