Scholarships create opportunities for students

Scholarships do amazing things for everyone involved. As a donor, you create a lasting legacy that can honor a family members, a friend or colleague. Its a wonderful way to honor someone important in your own life—while concurrently benefiting someone you have yet to meet.
A legacy with a lifetime of benefits
Scholarships provide important support to students with financial needs, yet they also do so much more. A recipient of a scholarship will gain more than you might imagine. And perhaps more important than the financial assistance, recipients build their self-esteem through knowing someone believes in them. As we have seen, recipients are likely to achieve greater success in their studies and ultimately in their personal and professional endeavors.
A win-win situation. Imagine having such an amazing impact on the lives of others. Its an outstanding way to honor someone, while truly helping a student in need or demonstrated academic performance.
Simply determine the type of scholarship you would like to establish, and we will help you with create criteria for your scholarship.
View our current scholarships for students.
Creating an Annual Scholarship
Establish an annual scholarship with a two-year commitment and minimum of gift of $500.
Creating an Endowed Scholarship
Endowed scholarships are designed to be permanent and perpetual and can be created with gifts totaling a minimum of $10,000. The principal of the fund is invested, with only a percentage of the interest being used each year as scholarships.
Ready to support of Black Hawk College?
Donate online, download our Donation Form (PDF) or call us at 309-796-5052.